
R. Mignani, F. Cardone, A. Petrucci


We show that, in the framework of Deformed Special Relativity (DSR), namely a (four-dimensional) generalization of the (local) space-time structure based on an energydependent ”deformation” of the usual Minkowski geometry, two kinds of gauge symmetries arise, whose spaces either coincide with the deformed Minkowski space or are just internal spaces to it. This is why we named them ”metric gauge theories”. In the case of the internal gauge fields, they are a consequence of the deformed Minkowski space (DMS) possessing the structure of a generalized Lagrange space. Such a geometrical structure allows one to define curvature and torsion in the DMS.

© Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics. All rights reserved.

EJTP 10, No. 29 (2013) 1–20

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